June-July 2022 Releases from Hazelcast

We are pleased to announce the following recent releases below. At the end of the list, you will find the Command-Line Client, an exciting new addition to our product portfolio! ♥ Please don’t hesitate to join the Hazelcast Community on Slack to raise your questions and provide feedback. Also, feel free to check our community page for other options. Happy Hazelcasting!

Hazelcast Platform 5.1.2

This release is the second patch release of Hazelcast Platform v5.1. 


Hazelcast Platform Operator 5.3

Hazelcast Platform Operator automates common management tasks such as configuring, creating, scaling, and recovering Hazelcast clusters on Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift. By taking care of manual deployment and life-cycle management, Hazelcast Platform Operator makes it simpler to work with Hazelcast clusters.

New Features

  • Added the Hazelcast map CR and the support for resource limit and request for Platform and Management Center CRs.
  • Added agent support for external Backup and Restore.


  • Added the following statuses: Hot backup, restore, client connection message
  • Implemented the map persistence using Hazelcast ConfigMap.
  • Refactored the logger usage and removed unnecessary logging entries.


Hazelcast Cloud 3.10.0

This release of Hazelcast Cloud fixes mostly UI issues.


Hazelcast .NET Client 5.1.1 and 5.1

New Features

  • Added Blue-green (failover) deployments.
  • Added the support for Hazelcast’s FencedLock data structure.


  • The client now can work with the .NET 6.0 framework.


Hazelcast Go Client 1.3.0

New Features


Hazelcast Command-Line Client 1.0 (Beta-1)

This is the very first release of Hazelcast Command-Line Client (CLC) – a command-line tool to connect to and operate on Hazelcast Platform and Hazelcast Cloud.
