Application Acceleration and Scaling

Improve application performance and response times using state-of-the-art application acceleration technology.

See Hazelcast in Action

Master intelligent applications with Hazelcast unified real-time stream processing platform.


In-memory application acceleration

Hazelcast Platform can be used to accelerate and scale your SaaS or custom internal applications by increasing throughput and reducing the latency of data accesses on disk-based databases. Add Hazelcast Platform as an in-memory store between your application and your database to handle more users and higher load while improving response times. Updates that your applications make to data in the platform will be passed through to the underlying database to ensure data synchronization.

Hazelcast provides the enterprise-ready capabilities to run your business-critical applications:

Elastic Scalability

Just add more servers and they cluster automatically

High Availability

Can deploy in backup pairs or even WAN replicated

Fault Tolerance

No single point of failure

Cloud Readiness

Deploy right into the public cloud


Traditional vs Accelerated Application Scaling
Add Hazelcast Platform as an in-memory store between your application and your database to accelerate your application.


Hazelcast is trusted by leading businesses around the world to accelerate their applications