Resources›Tell-U-Vision Episode 07: Hazelcast – CPMap
Tell-U-Vision Episode 07: Hazelcast – CPMap
Welcome to another installment of Tell-U-Vision, as we delve into the enigmatic realm of the CPMap data structure, a fresh addition to Hazelcast’s Enterprise version 5.4. This isn’t your typical Hazelcast IMap; it’s a breed apart. In this episode we will cover:
- A recap of AP and CP subsystems in Hazelcast Platform
- Redefining Availability and Consistency for your use cases
- Exploration scenarios with stale data risks
- Introduction to CPMap, a strong HashMap implementation
- Comparison between IMap and CPMap for single-entry operations
- Understanding limitations and advantages of CPMap
- Navigating unusual limitations of CPMap
- Explanation on using CPMap over Atomic Reference CP structure
- Future applications and potential developments of CPMap
- Summary of key facts about CPMap in Enterprise product
- Differentiating eventual consistency of IMap and strong consistency of CPMap
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