Tell-U-Vision Episode 07: Hazelcast – CPMap

Welcome to another installment of Tell-U-Vision, as we delve into the enigmatic realm of the CPMap data structure, a fresh addition to Hazelcast’s Enterprise version 5.4. This isn’t your typical Hazelcast IMap; it’s a breed apart. In this episode we will cover:

  1. A recap of AP and CP subsystems in Hazelcast Platform
  2. Redefining Availability and Consistency for your use cases
  3. Exploration scenarios with stale data risks
  4. Introduction to CPMap, a strong HashMap implementation
  5. Comparison between IMap and CPMap for single-entry operations
  6. Understanding limitations and advantages of CPMap
  7. Navigating unusual limitations of CPMap
  8. Explanation on using CPMap over Atomic Reference CP structure
  9. Future applications and potential developments of CPMap
  10. Summary of key facts about CPMap in Enterprise product
  11. Differentiating eventual consistency of IMap and strong consistency of CPMap

Additional Resources:

CP Subsystem

CPMap doc

CPMap Javadoc

Strong Data Consistency Training