Hazelcast Office Hours: Boosting Similarity Search with Real-time Stream Processing

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/ 60 min

The goal of similarity search and vector databases is to find similar results to the search query for unstructured data, such as text, images, and videos. Here’s an overview:

  • Unstructured data is first vectorized and stored in a vector format
  • Tools are available to create vectors from unstructured data
  • Vector databases store and facilitate similarity searches
  • Vector databases enhance high-performance vector search apps
  • Combine stream processing with vector search to overcome vector database challenges

In our March Office Hours, we discuss how Real-time compute APIs optimize processing capabilities in a distributed cluster to maximize performance gains. The synergy of Real-time storage and computing enables real-time use cases at any scale.

Join us for a 45-minute talk followed by a 15-minute Q&A. Send your questions in advance to [email protected].

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