Management Center
Centralized Monitoring and Management for your Hazelcast Clusters
Hazelcast Management Center provides a single, web-based interface to monitor and manage all your Hazelcast clusters. You can access this information through:
- Intuitive UI: View cluster health, member status, resource utilization, and detailed statistics in an interactive and visual format.
- Java Management Extensions (JMX) and REST APIs: Integrate the Management Center cluster view of metrics with your existing monitoring tools for seamless data visualization.
- Prometheus Exporter: Export cluster metrics directly to Prometheus for advanced analysis and alerting.
Advanced Cluster Management
- Diagnostics and Troubleshooting: Identify and diagnose cluster issues quickly with comprehensive member, client, and data structure statistics.
- Automatic Configuration Health Checks: Uncover configuration errors and identify opportunities for best practice optimization to ensure your clusters run at peak performance.
- Client Filtering: Implement and manage access rules for client connections, enabling secure Blue/Green or Red/Black deployments.
- WAN Replication and Sync Management: Monitor and manage the replication and synchronization process across geographically distributed clusters.
- SQL Queries: Run powerful SQL queries on your cluster data directly from the Management Center interface.
- Command Line Client integration: Execute commands directly on cluster members from within Management Center using the built-in Hazelcast Command Line Client (CLC).
- Thread Dumps: Take thread dumps from individual cluster members for deeper troubleshooting.
- Security: Management Center supports Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and connects to a variety of Enterprise security providers.
Get deep insights during development with Management Center
Management Center supports a number of ways to interact with the data structures on the cluster. The built-in SQL Browser makes it easy to run SQL queries with results shown as a table or in JSON format. The data explorer shows the defined queryable objects and their associated schema.
The Hazelcast Command Line Client (CLC) is built into the latest versions of Management Center and allows you to interact with your Hazelcast clusters directly from your terminal. This powerful tool simplifies data management, eliminating the need for complex scripting or programmatic interactions. A cluster view of the metrics is available using the Clustered JMX, REST and Prometheus endpoints for external monitoring and alerting purposes.
Cluster Statistics
Homepage with a comprehensive dashboard view presents instant statistics for individual members, enabling a quick assessment of their status and well-being, along with that of the entire cluster.
Data Structure Statistics and Browsing
Insights into the usage and status of distributed data structures is provided by the Caches, Maps, Queues, Topics, MultiMaps, and Executors pages, which provide a drill-down view into the operational statistics of individual data structures.
Central Monitoring and Management
Each member’s CPU and memory utilization, runtime properties, partition count and configuration is available at a glance on the member's page.
Configuration Health Check
Automatically scans the members’ configuration files and quickly alerts if there are any discrepancies, inconsistencies or improvements that can be made in line with Hazelcast’s best practices. If needed, specific checks can be disabled.
Centralized Management API
Along with the Platform Security Suite allows for a fine-grained control over permissions by supporting Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and connects to a variety of Enterprise security providers to define administrators as well as read-write, read-only and metrics-only classes of users.
Centralized Management API
Hazelcast nodes expose a JMX management interface with statistics on distributed data structures and the state of node internals. The Management Center provides JMX and REST APIs to view and control cluster aspects from a single endpoint. The Enterprise Management Center provides JMX and REST APIs to view and control cluster aspects from a single endpoint.