Hazelcast Node.js Client
Hazelcast enables you to accelerate your Node.js applications and work with native Javascript objects or JSON. You can:
- Build a multi-layer cache for your applications with Hazelcast Map, a distributed & replicated key-value store.
- Query JSON data at speeds far surpassing traditional document stores.
- Use the Hazelcast Near Cache feature to store frequently read data in your Node.js process. This provides faster read speeds than popular caching solutions.
- Enable pub-sub communication between application instances.
- Deal with high load for view or like events by using a conflict-free replicated counter.
- Prevent races when accessing 3rd-party services by using Lock and other distributed concurrency primitives available in Hazelcast CP Subsystem, powered by the Raft consensus algorithm.
Quick Start + Download
Quick Start
Available on NPM:Â npmjs.com/package/hazelcast-client
npm install hazelcast-client --save
Version | Downloads | Documentation |
Hazelcast NodeJS Client 5.3.0 (latest)
Hazelcast NodeJS Client 5.2.0
Hazelcast NodeJS Client 5.1.0
Hazelcast NodeJS Client 5.0.4
For all downloads please see the Download Archives |
Code Samples
'use strict';
const { Client } = require('hazelcast-client');
(async () => {
try {
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running
// Hazelcast Cluster on
const hz = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
// Get the Distributed Map from Cluster
const map = await hz.getMap('my-distributed-map');
// Standard Put and Get
await map.put('key', 'value');
await map.get('key');
// Concurrent Map methods, optimistic updating
await map.putIfAbsent('somekey', 'somevalue');
await map.replace('key', 'value', 'newvalue');
// Shutdown this Hazelcast client
await hz.shutdown();
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred:', err);
'use strict';
const { Client } = require('hazelcast-client');
(async () => {
try {
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running
// Hazelcast Cluster on
const hz = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
// Get a Replicated Map called 'my-replicated-map'
const map = await hz.getReplicatedMap('my-replicated-map');
// Put and Get a value from the Replicated Map
// (key/value is replicated to all members)
const replacedValue = await map.put('key', 'value');
// Will print 'Replaced value: null' as it's the first update
console.log('Replaced value:', replacedValue);
const value = await map.get('key');
// The value is retrieved from a random member in the cluster
console.log('Value for key:', value);
// Shutdown this Hazelcast client
await hz.shutdown();
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred:', err);
'use strict';
const { Client } = require('hazelcast-client');
(async () => {
try {
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running
// Hazelcast Cluster on
const hz = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
// Get the Distributed MultiMap from Cluster
const multiMap = await hz.getMultiMap('my-distributed-multimap');
// Put values in the map against the same key
await multiMap.put('my-key', 'value1');
await multiMap.put('my-key', 'value2');
await multiMap.put('my-key', 'value3');
// Print out all the values for associated with key called 'my-key'
const values = await multiMap.get('my-key');
for (const value of values) {
// remove specific key/value pair
await multiMap.remove('my-key', 'value2');
// Shutdown this Hazelcast client
await hz.shutdown();
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred:', err);
'use strict';
const { Client } = require('hazelcast-client');
(async () => {
try {
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running
// Hazelcast Cluster on
const hz = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
// Get the Distributed Set from Cluster
const set = await hz.getSet('my-distributed-set');
// Add items to the set with duplicates
await set.add('item1');
await set.add('item1');
await set.add('item2');
await set.add('item2');
await set.add('item2');
await set.add('item3');
// Get the items. Note that there are no duplicates
const items = await set.toArray();
// Shutdown this Hazelcast client
await hz.shutdown();
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred:', err);
'use strict';
const { Client } = require('hazelcast-client');
(async () => {
try {
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running
// Hazelcast Cluster on
const hz = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
// Get the Distributed List from Cluster
const list = await hz.getList('my-distributed-list');
// Add elements to the list
await list.add('item1');
await list.add('item2');
//Remove the first element
const value = await list.removeAt(0);
console.log('Removed:', value);
// There is only one element left
const len = await list.size();
console.log('Current size is', len);
// Clear the list
await list.clear();
// Shutdown this Hazelcast client
await hz.shutdown();
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred:', err);
'use strict';
const { Client } = require('hazelcast-client');
(async () => {
try {
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running
// Hazelcast Cluster on
const hz = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
// Get a Queue called 'my-distributed-queue'
const queue = await hz.getQueue('my-distributed-queue');
// Offer a string into the Distributed Queue
await queue.offer('item');
// Poll the Distributed Queue and return the string
await queue.poll();
// Timed-restricted operations
await queue.offer('anotheritem', 500);
await queue.poll(5000);
// Indefinitely-waiting operations
await queue.put('yetanotheritem');
const item = await await queue.take();
// Shutdown this Hazelcast Client
await hz.shutdown();
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred:', err);
'use strict';
const { Client } = require('hazelcast-client');
(async () => {
try {
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running
// Hazelcast Cluster on
const hz = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
// Get a Topic called 'my-distributed-topic'
const topic = await hz.getReliableTopic('my-distributed-topic');
// Add a Listener to the Topic
topic.addMessageListener((message) => {
// Publish a message to the Topic
await topic.publish('Hello to distributed world');
// Shutdown this Hazelcast Client
await hz.shutdown();
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred:', err);
'use strict';
const {
} = require('hazelcast-client');
class User {
constructor(username, age, active) {
this.username = username;
this.age = age;
this.active = active;
this.factoryId = 1;
this.classId = 1;
readPortable(reader) {
this.username = reader.readUTF('username');
this.age = reader.readInt('age');
this.active = reader.readBoolean('active');
writePortable(writer) {
writer.writeUTF('username', this.username);
writer.writeInt('age', this.age);
writer.writeBoolean('active', this.active);
function portableFactory(classId) {
if (classId === 1) {
return new User();
return null;
async function generateUsers(usersMap) {
await usersMap.put('Rod', new User('Rod', 19, true));
await usersMap.put('Jane', new User('Jane', 20, true));
await usersMap.put('Freddy', new User('Freddy', 23, true));
(async () => {
try {
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running
// Hazelcast Cluster on
const hz = await Client.newHazelcastClient({
serialization: {
portableFactories: {
1: portableFactory
const usersMap = await hz.getMap('users');
// Add some users to the Distributed Map
await generateUsers(usersMap);
// Create a Predicate from a String (a SQL like Where clause)
const sqlQuery = Predicates.sql('active AND age BETWEEN (18 AND 21)');
// Creating the same Predicate as above but with a builder
const criteriaQuery = Predicates.and(
Predicates.equal('active', true),
Predicates.between('age', 18, 21)
// Get result collections using the two different Predicates
const result1 = await usersMap.values(sqlQuery);
const result2 = await usersMap.values(criteriaQuery);
// Print out the results
// Shutdown this Hazelcast client
await hz.shutdown();
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred:', err);
'use strict';
const { Client } = require('hazelcast-client');
(async () => {
try {
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running
// Hazelcast Cluster on
const hz = await Client.newHazelcastClient();
// Get the Distributed Lock from CP Subsystem
const lock = await hz.getCPSubsystem().getLock('my-distributed-lock');
// Now acquire the lock and execute some guarded code
const fence = await lock.lock();
console.log('Fence token:', fence);
try {
// Guarded code goes here
} finally {
await lock.unlock(fence);
// Shutdown this Hazelcast client
await hz.shutdown();
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error occurred:', err);