Hazelcast Platform for Apache Flink Developers

Focus on your application logic and let Hazelcast handle the infrastructure for you.

Optimize Streaming Data Apps with Hazelcast Platform.

Building applications on Apache Flink often means dealing with extensive infrastructure code. Apache Flink, as a stream processing engine, requires custom code for integrating with various storage engines, making app development complex.

Hazelcast Platform offers a streamlined solution by combining a stream processing engine with a fast data store. With Hazelcast platform, creating applications that respond instantly to data in motion is hassle-free, without the added complexity of standalone technologies like Apache Flink.

Learn how Hazelcast Platform out-performed Apache Flink and Spark

ESPBench paperThe ESPBench paper from the Hasso Plattner Institute compares the performance of popular stream processors. This independent report benchmarked Hazelcast Platform against Apache Flink and Apache Spark. It states, "Overall, the latency results are diverse with Hazelcast Platform often performing best with respect to the 90% tile and mean values."

Champion Innovation

Discover the secrets to driving innovation in your workplace.

Change requires effort. Real change often happens in response to a catalyst, but you can be proactive. Look for opportunities to make incremental improvements to your applications before a crisis forces your hand.

Follow our three-step action plan: Automate, Streamline, and Enhance to become a true innovation champion.



  • Reevaluate your data and process requirements.
  • Identify opportunities to connect solutions and accelerate business outcomes.
  • Identify the points where data is typically "stored for later" and convert them from data-at-rest to data-in-motion results.



Complexity is a part of every business, but it's rarely reviewed and simplified. As a developer, ask the tough questions about processes and data.

  • Do we need all these steps and data points?
  • What were we going to use this for?

Often, you'll find abandoned initiatives or outdated needs.



As new capabilities come online, anticipate new requirements.

Keep an eye on the future and leverage advancements in cloud technologies to manage costs and boost performance.

The Hazelcast Advantage

Hazelcast's unified real-time data platform simplifies your architecture, ensuring reliability and high performance at scale. Trust us for business-critical reliability and enjoy peace of mind as you focus on your core operations.

Simplify your architecture with Hazelcast's all-in-one unified approach. Our unified real-time data platform combines a fast data store and stream processing engine within a single runtime, eliminating complexity. Hazelcast guarantees reliability without adding points of failure to your system. It's straightforward, making troubleshooting easier, and if you need support, we're here to help.

Hazelcast platform’s architecture consists of two key parts: a fast data store for quick data access and a stream processing engine that efficiently distributes computation across the cluster. This setup delivers exceptional performance, making Hazelcast a top choice for reliable and efficient distributed systems.

See how Hazelcast Platform outperforms Apache Flink in various scenarios in the ESPBench paper from the Hasso Plattner Institute. Additionally, the blog post "Billion Events Per Second..." demonstrates Hazelcast's capability to process billions of events with millisecond latency, making it an ideal choice for handling streaming analytics at a giga-scale.

Hazelcast Platform offers high reliability and advanced features, including high availability, disaster recovery, and maintenance capabilities. It's the preferred choice for businesses in critical environments, allowing them to focus on core operations with confidence.

Apache Flink is not the only stream processing engine. There is another…

Accelerate Your Learning

Check out these useful resources.


Faceoff: Hazelcast Platform vs. Apache Flink


Hazelcast Platform Essentials – Live Virtual Workshop


Accelerate Your Stream Processing Development


A Comprehensive Guide for Enterprise Architects to Evaluate Stream Processing Technologies


Stream Processing Essentials

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