Hazelcast Tip: Native Client versus Lite Member

There are two options to connect to Hazelcast cluster.

– Using native client
– Creating a lite member which is practically a node which does not store any data.
At first glance using lite member may seem more attractive as it knows all nodes and where any key-value pair is stored. But we see that in the long term native client is the more scalable and clean approach.
Here a table to summarize the difference between them:





Native Client Lite Member


Performance There is an extra hop as client asks a member where the data is. Better performance as it knows where data is.


Scalability More scalable as you can create any number of clients without overhead to cluster operations. Not scalable, as each lite member becomes a node of the cluster it is an overhead hit for cluster operations.


Flexibility and Location Flexible, can be anywhere in LAN or WAN. It must be on the same data center even on the same RAC


Near Cache Currently not available Available


Distributed executor Can send tasks but cannot receive and execute Can send and receive tasks