Hazelcast and MongoDB

Hazelcast and MongoDB

Hazelcast and MongoDB

In this article, I will implement a sample (getting-started) project which uses MongoDB as persistence layer for Hazelcast distributed cache.

Hazelcast has a flexible persistence layer, you should just implement an Interface (MapStore) to store your memory grid into your preferred database. By 2.1 version Hazelcast supports MongoDB persistence in a smoother way using Spring-MongoDB data library. Let’s implement a simple project step-by-step to illustrate this feature. Our project will have a single model class and we will see it will persisted to MongoDB when we put it to Hazelcast distributed map.
1- Project Set-Up
I will use Maven. Here the dependencies:
The dependencies are libraries for projects Spring, Spring-MongoDB,
Hazelcast makes use of Spring Data project, connecting and mapping objects to MongoDB.
s 2- MongoDB Set-Up
Install and run Mongodb in your local machine. One of the things makes mongodb attractive, its quick-start is really quick.
You can follow this guide:
3- Model
A simple POJO to store basic info about users. Only thing you should care, it should be Serializable.
4- Configuration
As we use Spring, all configuration is bundled in Spring configuration xml. I named the file as beans.xml
5- Run and Test
Now we can test Mongo-Hazelcast integration. What we will do is to get the user map from spring context and put a new User object into map. We do not add any code related to Mongo or database layer, the object should be saved to MongoDB automatically. Also there is no Hazelcast code in this class. It seems that it just puts an object to a map. But in fact the object is put to distributed data grid, also persisted to MongoDB. The code is so clean thanks to Spring and the Hazelcast’s standartd Map implementation.
Here the main class for that:
And let’s see if it is in Mongo:
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.2
connecting to: test
{ “_id” : “id-134”, “_class” : “com.hazelmongo.User”, “name” : “Enes”, “age” : 29 }
As you see, Mongo generates two fields other than the ones defined in POJO. _id field is assigned from the key which you used putting to the map. And _class is used to map record the corresponding Java Object.
This sample illustrates the default usage of MongoDB-Hazelcast. You can override default behavior and object mapping (annotating the POJO) thanks to Spring Data project. Have a look at here for further details.