Hazelcast Jet Tutorial: Building Custom JDBC Sinks
Part I: Intro
Hazelcast Jet supports writing into a number of 3rd party systems, including HDFS, Apache Kafka and others. But what if you want to write into your own system which is not supported by Jet out-of-the-box? Starting with the version 0.6 Jet offers a new simple-to-use API for building custom Sinks and this tutorial will show you how to use it!
In this tutorial we are going to build a JDBC sink writing Stock updates to a relational database, but you can apply the same principles for building an arbitrary sink.
Part II: Basics
The basic construction block is SinkBuilder You can obtain its instance via a factory method Sinks::builder. The builder accepts a bunch of functions controlling the Sink behaviour. The 2 most important functions are:
- The function you have to pass to a builder in a constructor. It creates a context object which is then passed to the onReceive() function.
- The onReceive() function. Jet calls this function for each element the Sink receive. The function receives the element itself and also the context and this is where you write an element to your target system.
You can optionally also pass 2 other functions: They control lifecycle and batching behaviour of the sink.
A very simple Sink could look like this:
public class JDBCSink { private static final String INSERT_QUERY = "insert into stock_updates (ts, price, symbol) values (?, ?, ?)"; public static Sink newSink(String connectionUrl) { return Sinks.builder((unused) -> JDBCSink.openConnection(connectionUrl)) .onReceiveFn(JDBCSink::insertUpdate) .destroyFn(JDBCSink::closeConnection) .build(); } private static Connection openConnection(String connectionUrl) { try { return DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot acquire a connection with URL '" + connectionUrl + "'", e); } } private static void closeConnection(Connection c) { try { c.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void insertUpdate(Connection c, StockPriceUpdate i) { try (PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement(INSERT_QUERY)) { ps.setLong(1, i.getTimestamp()); ps.setLong(2, i.getPrice()); ps.setString(3, i.getSymbol()); ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error while inserting " + i + " into database"); } } }
The implementation is rather simplistic and perhaps naive, but it’s working! Jet calls the openConnection() function for each Sink instance it creates. This function acquire a new JDBC connection. This connection is then passed to the function insertUpdate() along with the new item. Sink Builder wires all these functions together and creates a regular sink from them.
One reason why it’s so simple has origin in Jet threading model: A single Sink instance is always single-threaded and you do not have to deal with concurrency.
This is how you could use your sink in a Jet Pipeline:
String connectionJdbcUrl = getJDBCUrlString(); Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create().drawFrom(Sources.mapJournal(MAP_NAME, JournalInitialPosition.START_FROM_OLDEST)) .map(Map.Entry::getValue) .drainTo(JDBCSink.newSink(connectionJdbcUrl)) .getPipeline(); jetInstance.newJob(pipeline);
The pipeline reads from IMap change journal, extract just the value from each entry and pass the value to our Sink. That’s it! You can see it in action in this project.
Part III: Optimizations
While the code above works it has multiple drawbacks. One of the big ones is performance:
- It creates a new prepared statement for each element it receives. This is unnecessary as prepared statements can be perfectly re-used.
- The insertUpdate() function calls a blocking JDBC method for each element it receives. Again, this is not great performance-wise as it usually involves a network roundtrip to a database and this could very easily become a bottleneck.
We can address both concerns with a rather simple code change:
public class BetterJDBCSink { private static final String INSERT_QUERY = "insert into stock_updates (ts, price, symbol) values (?, ?, ?)"; public static Sink newSink(String connectionUrl) { return Sinks.builder((unused) -> JDBCSink.createStatement(connectionUrl)) .onReceiveFn(JDBCSink::insertUpdate) .destroyFn(JDBCSink::cleanup) .flushFn(JDBCSink::flush) .build(); } private static PreparedStatement createStatement(String connectionUrl) { Connection connection = null; try { connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl); return connection.prepareStatement(INSERT_QUERY); } catch (SQLException e) { closeSilently(connection); throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot acquire a connection with URL '" + connectionUrl + "'", e); } } private static void closeSilently(Connection connection) { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { //ignored } } } private static void cleanup(PreparedStatement ps) { try { if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (ps != null) { try { Connection connection = ps.getConnection(); closeSilently(connection); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private static void flush(PreparedStatement ps) { try { ps.executeBatch(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error while storing a batch into database", e); } } private static void insertUpdate(PreparedStatement ps, StockPriceUpdate i) { try { ps.setLong(1, i.getTimestamp()); ps.setLong(2, i.getPrice()); ps.setString(3, i.getSymbol()); ps.addBatch(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error while inserting " + i + " into database", e); } }
As you can see the basic structure is still the same: SinkBuilder with a bunch of function registered. There are 2 significant changes:
- The function we are passing to the SinkBuilder constructor does not produce a Connection, but it directly produces a PreparedStatement. This way we can easily re-used the statement as Jet will pass it to the insertUpdate function()
- The insertUpdate() function does not execute the statement directly, but it just creates a batch. This is a feature JDBC provides and a JDBC driver is free to optimize batched query execution. We have to notify the driver when is a good time to actually execute the batches queries. To do so we registered a new function in the SinkBuilder: flush(). Jet will call it when it is a good time to actually flush the batches record.
This optimized Sink will perform much better. It does not need to wait for a database roundtrip with each element. Instead it batches the elements and goes into a database only once in a while. When exactly? This is determined by Jet itself and depends on factors such as incoming data rate: When traffic is low then Jet calls the flush for each item. However when the rate of incoming elements increases then Jet will call the flush less frequently and the batching effect will kick in.
Part IV: Wrapping Up
We built a completely custom Sink in a few lines of code. It would require minimal changes to use e.g. JMS to write into a message broker. You can see full source of this tutorial on GitHub.
Have a look at Jet Reference Manual and some of the awesome demos the team has built!